-->. +
The Official DDial Homepage
The Official DDial Homepage


Sites I used to be on: Magnetic Visions, Illusive Deceptions, Crystal isle
Handles I went by: Winter, Ww, Distant Ship
My location: Vancouver BC, Canada
Comments: a long time ago, in a magical place far far away, there lived ddialers. we were fun, we were crazy, we were the next generation that pioneered the world today, and, we're back Baby!! =)
Sites I used to be on: Mere Illusion & Mirror Image - both in NJ
Handles I went by: duckie
My location: Washington, DC
Comments: Grew up on DDial and have some very fond memories!
#004+ #F0F0F0
Sites I used to be on: Flash Talk; Frankly Speaking; The Jungle; High Society
My location: Lake Worth, FL
Comments: Was active on the NJ d-dials and then moved to FL and was active on Major BBS, etc.
Sites I used to be on: &totse
My location: 916
Comments: fedapoc.tel:2301
#010 NutCracker
My location: BC, Canada
Comments: I'm new to this.
Sites I used to be on: Isle Chat, TGB, InterChat, FlashTalk, PhillyChat
Handles I went by: Adam...
My location: NY
#015๐Ÿ–๏ธโ‡”ant pumaโ‡”๐Ÿ–๏ธ
Sites I used to be on: The Great Beyond/Joes SpeakEZ/Out Of The Blue and i can
Handles I went by: ant puma/p00ma/claebaur/deitrick
My location: Seattle-ish
Comments: The glass is neither half-empty nor half-full.. We're engineers, which means we know the glass has been manufactured to the wrong specifications
Sites I used to be on: Crystal Isle, STS-07
Handles I went by: Bilbs
My location: Los Angeles, CA
Comments: Moved to North Carolina in 1999, then Los Angeles in 2005.
#018 KingCracker
Sites I used to be on: Mainly STS-13
Handles I went by: KingCracker(#018)
My location: BC, Canada
Comments: Throwback. 604 BBS List:
Sites I used to be on: Fantasia DDIAL and then STS
Handles I went by: Fletch, Fletcher
My location: Orlando, FL
Comments: Been DDial'ing, BBS'ing since about 1980(ish)
#021 Lil Sis...
Sites I used to be on: Flashtalk, The Jungle
Handles I went by: Lil' Sis...
My location: Morris County, NJ
Comments: Ddial was a big part of my life when I was younger, met a lot of interesting people. Haven't connected in quite some time would like to meet up again! Yes, I am a dork! :)
Sites I used to be on: Flash-Talk, Frankly Speaking, Attic Static, The Jungle
Handles I went by: any flavor of Meri, Daphne, Santayana Rebahn
My location: extreme NW Washington
Comments: make the most of freedom and of pleasure...
My location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Comments: Hiya
Sites I used to be on: STS 07
Handles I went by: Proteus, Neue Regel
My location: Victoria, BC
Comments: I was a roe, and a co. Might have been known as Pro the robo roe co, for a while. Spent the best part of my teenage years with a bunch of like-minded misfits. Those were good times.
Sites I used to be on: Illusive Deceptions, The Screaming Tomato, Heart of Gold, Raw
Handles I went by: Schtroumpf, Adam Bomb
My location: Toronto (originally Vancouver)
Comments: Got into BBSing when the internet was already taking off: first modem was a 14.4k. Interested in soccer, politics, British comedy, astronomy (especially astrobiology). Enjoy listening to podcasts. Getting back into craft beer (and cider/mead) after a decade break, including non-alcoholic.
Sites I used to be on: Beyond Reality, FlashTalk, WeenieChat
Handles I went by: Red Eagle, StormDweller
My location: Tucson, Arizona
Comments: Home Page: -- Shipwrecks and Shibboleths BBS - shibboleths.org (port 800 for telnet, 801 for ssh)
#031Lord Kaotic
Sites I used to be on: Owner: Magnetic Visions (MagVis). Co-Sysop: Sam OBEN, Crystal Isle, Illusive Deception
Handles I went by: Lord Kaotic, Toaster Oven
My location: Vancouver, BC
#033The Anarchist (OG
#034Liquid Crystal
Handles I went by: Liquid Crystal, Photon
Sites I used to be on: Signs, Jungle, Chat Chalet
Handles I went by: Joshie
My location: Phoenix, AZ
#040Sammy Tyler
#042 Slarti
Sites I used to be on: F/AST, InterChat, The Jungle, The Outpost
Handles I went by: Slarti
My location: Central New Jersey (Yes - it exists!)
Sites I used to be on: Gods Country
Handles I went by: Voltaire, KidVDO
My location: Michigan
Comments: fuxy duxy was a duck. fuxy duxy gave no fucks. fuxy duxy wasn't fuxy, wuxy?
Sites I used to be on: DDial: Earth News Network Chat (ENChat), OOTB, Wasteland, TGB, ENTChat (briefly); Galacticomm: Citylights BBS
Handles I went by: Shim, Lord Shim, Undead Shim*, Shimski*, Undead Shimski*
My location: New York City
Comments: I am known to NOT be able to type my name properly. I enjoy D&D. *As far as my names are concerned, I was a dumb kid at the time! Don't judge me!
#051Van Halen
#053True Wit
Sites I used to be on: SynerChat, STS-14, Gtalk #5
Handles I went by: bassboy (#057)
My location: Northern California
Sites I used to be on: Chat Chalet, SSA, The Jungle
Handles I went by:
My location: NJ
#060 dobby
Sites I used to be on: God's Country
Handles I went by: #057 Nova
My location: California
#064Board Rider
#065Dark Shadow
#066Black Knight
#067Bill (All-American
#068Princess Delilah๐ŸŒผ
Sites I used to be on: Ddial#2 - Ddial#12
Handles I went by: Delilah
My location: Illinois
#069Night Rider
Sites I used to be on: MagVis / Sam Oben DDIal then STS / Shoreline
Handles I went by: Chippey, Lord Randolf
My location: the 'peg
Comments: anyone seen barfly?
Sites I used to be on: So many... So many years ago...
My location: NC, USA
Comments: Amiga & Commodore fan. Visit amigasource.com for all your Amiga needs! REALLY glad to be here! Boy do I miss Bobs Term Pro 128
Sites I used to be on: Fantasia STS01
Handles I went by: Squirrel
My location: Wisconsin
Comments: Got into BBS's around 1984 in Satellite Beach Florida. STS-01 Fantisia, startrek bbs, Usenet, Fidonet, Timenet. Currently in Wisconsin working for MSP's and raising up 4 boys.
Sites I used to be on: AI, SF
Handles I went by: ndf
My location: Indianapolis, IN
Comments: Glad to be here!
#076StriderBob [RFD IL
Sites I used to be on: Spender's Never Inn, Heaven & Hell, Bloomfords, (So Many To Name)
Handles I went by: Booby, Strider, StriderBob
My location: Rockford, IL USA
#088โšก Haywire โšก
Sites I used to be on: Crystal Isle and Secret Garden
My location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Comments: Heya :)
#091Demolition Man
Sites I used to be on: ENTChat, TGB, Joe
Handles I went by: In@uBuS, AKA Incubus, AKA Inky
My location: Nazareth, PA (Originally NY, NY -during dial Days)
Comments: Hola!
#093The MfH
#096/arkman /\lmighty
#099>Fire Exit>
#100ANarchY X (RBOK
Sites I used to be on: STS-01
Handles I went by: variations of ANarchY
My location: No longer in FL
Comments: yep, it's that same lovable a-hole you knew and loved/hated.
#105 weatherangel
Sites I used to be on: Moonshae, High Society, Olga
Handles I went by: angeleyes, nanyanna, LadySysOp
My location: Orlando, FL
#107Viking ๐Ÿช“๐Ÿง”
My location: Reykjavรญk, Iceland
Sites I used to be on: F/AS\T Network & The Jungle
Handles I went by: Den
My location: Acidalia Planitia
Comments: As per MARC, I am a living, breathing 1200 baud modem.
Sites I used to be on: 5150 and Gumbie Chat in Boston Massachusetts
Handles I went by: #015[->Jonathan<-)
My location: Central Massachusetts
Comments: Once bribed a c0 sys0p for the c0 password with a bag of weed so I could relog or /v the m0es I liked when nobody was on #0. >:)
#117Kapt. Tarn
My location: Everywhere and Nowhere
Comments: somnia sunt memorias de futuro
Sites I used to be on: Bunker, Kaleidoscope, General Modem, Point Zero
Handles I went by: Sonny (Miami Vice), 520STingray, CBRocketman
My location: Dundee, IL
Comments: spent a decade in public accounting, followed by a decade consulting for IBM, and the last decade transporting people back (from the future!) to the 80s at the Underground Retrocade. What will tomorrow bring?
#122โผ•๐Ÿ—ใ‡„ใ‚ป่ฎ โผ•ไธ‚ใ‡„้—ฉแฏ๐Ÿ—#9
#123Accidental Angel
Sites I used to be on: PhillyChat, Playpen, ENTchat
Handles I went by: the WIZ, Accidental Angel
My location: Houston, Texas
Comments: Blogging at . Just another desperate Perl hacker Objectivist.
#125Wild BEE
Sites I used to be on: STS-01
Handles I went by: Stentor
My location: Undisclosed
Comments: I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and whatโ€™s 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!
Sites I used to be on: Fantasia STS-01
Handles I went by: Loki/Random
My location: Philadelphia
Comments: Just catching up with my fellow old farts from back in the day.
Sites I used to be on: DDial #1, Cat House, The Tower, Mistic Web, Gateway Online, V.O.I.C.E., Lan Solutions, Baudville
Handles I went by: CrazyHorse, Ticonderoga, Sitting Bull, Nesaukee
My location: Grand Blanc Twp, MI
Comments: I've been online since 1983 with an Atari 800XL and a 300baud modem and a member of the original DDial #1 programmed by Bill Basham in Farmington Hills, MI. I helped alot with testing linkups. It was a live place with a permanent link to the Cat House. I got KOed alot for creating mischief. DDial was programmed to be US Military comunication software but don't know if it was ever used. My brain runs on high voltage static electricity linked to the spirit world. I beep and show the lighting bolt symbol on stud finders inductive current test. Its wild!
#142Ford Prefect
Sites I used to be on: Fantasia, The Jungle / Badlands, Dolphin, The Abyss, Online Illusions
Handles I went by: Stealth, Banshee
My location: Satellite Beach, FL
#157The Smog #1
#159Moody Blues
Sites I used to be on: InterCHAT#17
Handles I went by: --ps-- #003
My location: New Jersey
Comments: Older than dirt.
#170Admiral Kirk
Sites I used to be on: The Jungle, Rockpile
Handles I went by: MiSFiT, ORiON, Sheer Rage
My location: Stony Point, NY
Comments: Just a geeky dude that got old but never really grew up. I work in cybersecurity and specialize in data protection, data privacy, and third-party risk. Cheers!
Sites I used to be on: GC, NG, PZ, TC, about in that order.
Handles I went by: sam, spam, furkon lemminghole the third
My location: Baja British Colombia
#188 FG
#207 Agent_X
Sites I used to be on: Interchat #17, few others
Handles I went by: drmad
My location: Idaho
Comments: DPAK
#211Hose Rockwatt
#215ArielDameWarren [NJ.CHBMP.ORG
#220Sammie Gee
#222The Smog #18
#225There (
Sites I used to be on: STS-07 (Victoria, BC, Canada)
Handles I went by: asterizk
My location: Sarasota, FL
Comments: Went to a lot of meets at Fuddruckers, Beacon Hill & Mt Doug!
#232Joe Boo
Sites I used to be on: SysOP STS-14, Gtalk #5, Chat.Net
Handles I went by: Joe Boo (#000 / #232)
My location: Northern California
My location: Florida
Comments: Grew up on AIM and AOL Chatrooms. While tech moves forward, I'm digging backwards...
#242Ice Lord
Sites I used to be on: DDials: TGB, Jim Silicloner's Three-Ring Circuit; BBS: Lakeside Park, Ghost Ship East, Starbase Ituey, The Danger Zone, DOPS
Handles I went by: Ice Lord
My location: East coast, NYC adjacent.
Comments: The infinite r0.
#249Deeply Shrouded
Sites I used to be on: The Jungle, Interchat#17, PC-Connection#71, Savage Frontier, RMAC, and FlashTalk
Handles I went by: XxSwitchBladexX - StormShadow
My location: Miami, FL.
Comments: Very Self-critical and slightly cracked! The Deep Root of failure in our lives is to think! Which one will you choose the RED pill or the BLUE pill?
Sites I used to be on: Magvis, Illusive Deception
Handles I went by: Juno, Pagan
My location: Surrey BC.
Comments: Cat mom to two black kitties who dictate my life. I'm a creative type marching to my own drum. Oh, and sometimes I work.
Sites I used to be on: The Jungle STS
My location: Originally NJ, then FL, now VT
Comments: Having fun reminiscing
Sites I used to be on: Realm Of Legends, OLGA, Arena Of Pain
Handles I went by: bart
My location: Tampa, FL
#337Uber-Geek ๐Ÿง
Sites I used to be on: Phantom BSB (SysOp)
Handles I went by: Zarathos, Xaxaver, GITM
My location: Greater Pittsburgh, PA Area
#339 โœจ๐Ÿ‘ผ DeeCupid ๐Ÿ‘ผ โœจ
Sites I used to be on: n/a, I started on EFnet IRC
Handles I went by: `FiShY`
My location: Wicked cold north
Comments: I grew up on IRC, and dabbled in the tail end of DDIAL from my older brothers. I enjoy astronomy, bicycles(mechanic for many years), painting/drawing
Sites I used to be on: sts-1 / sysop for online illusions (lusions.com)
Handles I went by: axle
My location: Satellite Beach, Florida
#410Lenny C
Sites I used to be on: Bargain Board
Handles I went by: Newsted
My location: Pittsburgh,PA
Comments: Used Renegade and MajorBBS
Sites I used to be on: Beyond Reality - Morganville, NJ
Handles I went by: ChRiS!
My location: East Brunswick, NJ
Sites I used to be on: STS-13 / Magnetic Visions
Handles I went by: Headcase / Hc / Haitchc
My location: Vancouver
Comments: User number #046 in the olde days
#448The Inebriate
Sites I used to be on: Jungle
Handles I went by: Lestat
My location: North Carolina, USA
Comments: I'm indestructible, the whole universe knows that! -Freddy Krueger
Sites I used to be on: Point Zer0
Handles I went by: Soylent, Green
My location: Illinois, USA
Comments: Good evening. Have you tried the wine?
#537The Blob๐Ÿ‘ฝ
Sites I used to be on: STS-13, STS-16
Handles I went by: The Blob
My location: Vancouver, BC
Comments: Hi :)
My location: Toronto, Canada
Sites I used to be on: Shoreline
Handles I went by: Brian
My location: Canada.
Comments: Favorite song of the moment:
Sites I used to be on: STS-07, STS-14, & The X BBS
Handles I went by: Jellyfish, Krymson Death, & Wraith
My location: Van Isle, BC, Canada
Comments: Spam spam sausage and spam
Sites I used to be on: The Jungle (DDial and STS)
Handles I went by: LC (Louis Cyphre)
My location: Tampa, FL
Comments: Donate to Lloyd's Survival fund: PayPal: paypal.me/lloydblack - Chime: $lloydblack999 - CashApp: $lloydblack999 - Venmo: @lloydblack999
#716Doctor Malpractice
Sites I used to be on: that was decades ago AREA CODE 716
Handles I went by: DocMalpractice DrMalpractice
My location: old school: Buffalo(Lackawanna) NY now: SE coastal Georgia
Sites I used to be on: MagVis, Crunchy Frog, Blue Hell, Twilight Zone, Saimin, HIX, Citylink, Mindlink
Handles I went by: EmJay, Yum Yum, Hoagie, John the Moped
My location: Lower Mainland, BC, Canada
Comments: Maker of Cat food.
#758 wheresdj
Sites I used to be on: Gabline
Handles I went by: Longshot
My location: Hmm
Sites I used to be on: Point Zero, Nuclear Greenhouse
Handles I went by: Trulius Slackerus, Opera!, Optical Illusion
My location: IL
Sites I used to be on: CaNerDUH BBS
Handles I went by: blade, devrandom
My location: Medicine Hat, AB
Comments: BBS at: bbs.canerduh.com:23905
#868 Sci-Fi Guy
Sites I used to be on: Chit-Chat / LI Pub STS #06
Handles I went by: Shark / Peace Child
My location: California
#909line noise
Sites I used to be on: flash talk, attic static, frankly speaking, can't remember the ones barb and gumby ran.
Handles I went by: line noise
My location: edinburgh
Sites I used to be on: Former Sysop of Delerium Tremens STS-13, Virtual Reality STS-16
Handles I went by: Sir Psycho, Sps, mofo911, mofo-x, PsYChoYaLove2Hate
My location: Surrey, BC, Canada
Comments: I, modemmer.
#917Sponge [STS-17
Sites I used to be on: DDial #1, Attic Static/STS-17 Digital Diversions
Handles I went by: Who, The Phulcan(PHUN
My location: Bellaire, MI
#953Micro King
Sites I used to be on: Sysop - Jungle DDial 62 and STS-12
Handles I went by: Marc or ReMarcable Gee Whizz
My location: New Jersey for life.
Comments: Ill be 58 on Dec 14th, Own 2 Arcades and an IT business and a software company. I drive a hybrid minivan, no kids and have 2 dogs. Tacos R Life. Favorite current TV - mostly scifi. Here is the website for my Arcade
Sites I used to be on: IsleChat, TGB, Joe
Handles I went by: Gunge, Gunge DPR
My location: New Yawk
Comments: HO SHVIT!
Sites I used to be on: T2
Handles I went by: Cyber_Love
My location: Redondo Beach,Ca USA
Comments: Hope all is okay and all has a great day.
#986 Beauregard42
Sites I used to be on: Boston 5150
Handles I went by: #026 NeonKaos
My location: Lowell Mass
Comments: I do give a shit, and I brought enough for everyone.
Sites I used to be on: VR, MV, Shoreline, others
Handles I went by: Many
My location: Vancouver
#1017Pica Man
Sites I used to be on: MagVis back in the day
Handles I went by: Pica Man
My location: Vancouver, BC
#1021sir tim
#1022George H (pink
#1023๐Ÿฅƒ Rob ๐Ÿฅƒ
#1027dead soul
Sites I used to be on: MagViz, SODD, ShoreLine, MindLink!
Handles I went by: MusicMan, MusicManG
My location: Vancouver
Comments: Got into this in 1981 on a 300 baud modem hooked up to CompuServe and DataPac and Tymnet... when there were 6 BBSs in Vancouver.
#1035Twisted Youth
Sites I used to be on: The Great Beyond, Out of the Blue, Sanitarium
Handles I went by: Twisted Youth, TY
My location: New York
Comments: Damage Inc!
#1057Phun Phreak
#1059Joey D.
Sites I used to be on: Welfare Department, Digital Underground, Eclipse
Handles I went by: riptide, terminator
My location: Northern California
My location: Tucson, AZ
Comments: Once-Solo-IT, now software QA. Into Solarpunk and minimalsim
Sites I used to be on: GC
Handles I went by: Sphere
My location: California
Comments: City boy turned Mountain Man. IT pro for 35+ yrs. Remember.. You can disappear in the woods whenever you want. You're an adult.
#1069โœš Mitchell โœš
#1077Black Bart / Johno
Sites I used to be on: 20fob
Handles I went by: n4tive
My location: Caribbean
Comments: gemini://n4tive.pollux.casa
Sites I used to be on: magviz.ca, land of the lost
Handles I went by: amr/amessyroom
My location: Fayetteville, NC
Comments: Found DDIAL through MRC another chat network used on BBSes. I am starting a BBS accessible by telnet and ssh toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet) and 22 (ssh). Love the DDIAL community!
Sites I used to be on: The Quantum Wormhole, Telehack, Bottomless Abyss
Handles I went by: Stern
My location: California
Comments: Mastodon: stern@tilde.zone Blue Sky: @asternitix.bsky.social Timezone: UTC-7
Sites I used to be on: A-Net Online BBSs
Handles I went by: StingRay
My location: Woodstock, GA
Comments: Telnet: aneto.synchro.net Telnet: mystic-anet.online
#1104Unknown Stuntman
Welcome back to the 80s where conversations were cooler.
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